Improving potency at home with exercises, drugs and folk remedies

Methods of increasing potency in men

A good stable erection and the ability to have good sex are important for a man. The socio-psychological consequences of the bed fiasco have a negative impact on the general quality of life. Nowadays, many expensive drugs are offered for conquering erectile dysfunction. However, in most cases, it is quite possible to improve and increase potency at home.

In any case, before spending on pharmaceutical supplements, it is imperative to try traditional herbal medicines, specially designed exercises, and water procedures. It is possible that you can tackle the problem that affects 150 million people on the planet on your own. Unless you have obvious problems with an erection, increasing your potency is not superfluous either.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The reasons for low potency can be completely different, sometimes they are on the surface, and sometimes they last from childhood.

  • Psychological. An important group of reasons. Divided into primary and secondary. The main causes are those that stem from deep psychological processes. These include inappropriate childhood sexual education, the imposition of shameful sexual contact, and trauma of a sexual nature. Low self-esteem can also be mentioned here.

Secondary - fear, constant scandals with a sexual partner, increased work activity and, as a result, overwork, depression and other depressive states.

  • Physiological. Postponed or persistent STDs. Bad nervous system condition. Diabetes. A weak heart and vascular problems can also be the cause. After all, the strength and durability of an erection depends on the filling of the penile tissue with blood. Potency in men in their forties is often associated with low testosterone levels.

IMPORTANT:The potency can decrease when the relationship with the partner is exhausted or due to the bad psychological climate within the couple.

There are risk factors, reasons that are a consequence of the behavior of the man himself:

  1. Tobacco smoking. The substances in tobacco have vasoconstrictor properties that make it difficult for blood to flow to the penis.
  2. Alcohol abuse. A large amount of alcohol or its poor quality destroys the entire body, including the reproductive system.
  3. Drugs that are already in the early stages of consumption reduce sexual desire and have negative effects on both a psychological and a physiological level.
  4. Frequent hypothermia.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle.

Traditional methods

The treatment of impotence at home is based on three components: the preparation of preparations from herbs and improvised products, special physical exercises and water procedures. The combination of all presented methods will help to increase the effectiveness in the best possible way.

Folk remedies that act quickly and have good effectiveness in men include:

how to increase male potency with folk remedies
  1. A load of liveliness, which means that an increase in libido results in a mixture of nuts and honey. It can be hazelnuts, pistachios, or walnuts.
  2. Onions have long been known to increase sex drive. For these purposes, it is used both raw and in the form of decoctions and tinctures. 1 tablespoon. l. dried onion seeds should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Half of the prepared drink is drunk in the morning and the other half in the evening. The infusion is also carried out in water, only in cold water. Finely chopped onions are poured with it. It is taken in 50 ml. three times a day.
  3. Ginseng root can be infused with alcohol. The process must take at least two weeks. Take 10 grams of root per 100 ml. It is drunk three times before meals. You can not use more than 30 drops of tincture at a time, and even this must be diluted with water or weak tea.
  4. The miracle plant ginseng is also used in harvests. They say that with its help it is easy to get an erection in both men after 60 and younger men. This refers to a mixture of ginseng with honey and cinnamon. 100 g of ginseng herb is poured into 500 ml. steep boiling water. The tincture process takes two days. Next, it must be boiled again and add 50 grams of honey over low heat. In this mode, keep the medicine on fire for half an hour. After removing the brew from the stove, add 10 grams of cinnamon. The mixture is left for three days, after which it is consumed in a glass twice a day.
  5. Include ginger, parsley, coriander, mustard, and celery in your diet. Plants increase libido. And decoctions are usually made from parsley seeds, drunk for half a glass after a meal. It is entirely possible to replace tea with broth.


Specific exercises to improve potency are easy and do not take that much time. But they can increase male strength after 50 and are excellent prevention measures for younger people. In fact, physical culture needs to be introduced in the context of sexual opportunities from adolescence so that you do not later suffer from problems associated with the prostate.

Exercise to increase potency in men

The proven, most effective and simplest exercises against impotence are:

  • The man stands up straight with his hands at hip height. The legs are slightly bent at the knees. A run consists of such movements: the legs at the knees bend a little more and the muscles of the buttocks tighten as if they were holding an object. Next, you should straighten up in the starting position. Several runs must be carried out.
  • Exercise for the prostate. In the prone position, the legs are bent in half at the knees. At the same time, the feet do not detach from the surface. The arms lie in an extended position along the body. During a run, the pelvis is raised and lowered 15 times. The optimal number of approaches is six. During this elementary exercise, blood flows to the prostate, which improves male hormone levels. Movement has a positive effect on the entire genitourinary system.
  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction in men also consists of exercises like squats. They don't look like ordinary ones, their technique is a little different. When everything is done correctly, testosterone production increases, which improves its effectiveness. The starting position is standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Before starting the exercise, squeeze the buttocks. The man sinks as much as possible, while the heels are also inextricably linked to the surface. In the squat itself, you need to rest for three seconds, and then slowly straighten your legs. You need to constantly monitor the tension of the glutes as this is the whole point of the exercise. Do not overdo it - do not repeat these movements more than 20 times.
  • With the help of these special exercises, a man not only increases his potency, but also performs excellent prevention of prostate diseases.

  • One of the main exercises is related to the so-called "muscle of potency". It is performed in the supine position. The legs are free and shoulder width apart. The position of the hands is not that important - they can lie on your stomach or just stretch across your body. Also, the man is simply putting strain on the muscle he feels in the perineum. There is such a thing as the convergence of the anus and testicles. Thanks to these manipulations, blood circulation improves, the muscle itself comes into tone. It is performed not only to prolong erectile function in men, but also as a preventive measure to prevent prostate diseases.
  • An exercise that is performed naked. It is necessary to get naked, keep your legs shoulder width apart, and bend your knees slightly. For at least two minutes in a row, the pelvis moves back and forth while the penis should vibrate. It should be a bit like intercourse. In this case, the breathing pattern should be as follows: short breaths are taken with the nose, the air is exhaled through the mouth. Half a minute's break is required after ten times. The number of visits is five.

Water process

With the help of hydrotherapy, a person has been relieved of various diseases since time immemorial. This also applies to treating sexual weakness. Its implementation is simple and does not require any special conditions.

The contrast treatment with water involves transplanting alternately from a basin with hot water to a basin with cold water. The time that is spent in each of the pools is a quarter of a minute. And so five times. The procedure is performed every day for two weeks. It is recommended to repeat it once per season.

An evening bath with chamomile infusions gives strength and relaxes at the same time, releasing tension blocks that can also cause weak sexual desire. 50 grams of dried chamomile flowers are poured with three liters of boiling water. Let it brew, then pour it into a bath that is taken for about 20 minutes. Bay leaves are often used instead of chamomile.

Needle infusion baths are also excellent:

  • Pine cones and needles with a volume of about one liter of glass are removed.
  • Filled with three liters of water;
  • Bring the mixture to a boil;
  • Then it is kept on low heat for half an hour. It is infused tag and added to the bath. You can take it both in the evening and in the morning, provided that the water in the morning should be at the summer temperature.

Should You Use Drugs To Treat Impotence?

Most of the drugs in the pharmacy do not cure a low sex drive, but simply achieve a permanent erection in one way or another. Because of this, they have a number of side effects and contraindications.

the feasibility of using drugs to treat impotence

For example, drugs containing sildenafil are not always indicated in older people with cardiovascular problems. In return, the pharmaceutical market can offer a range of homeopathic medicines.

If sexual dysfunction does not have very deep roots, it is recommended to try the above methods. The systematic implementation of the recipes guarantees an increase in effectiveness in most cases.